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Dragons are magical!
A dragon is a mythical beast usually represented as a huge, winged, fire-breathing reptile. For centuries the dragon has been prominent in the folklore of many peoples; thus, its physical characteristics vary greatly and include combinations of numerous animals. The dragon has often been associated with evil. In many legends a dragon had the ability to wreak havoc upon a land and therefore had to be either propitiated by a human sacrifice, or killed; it was also often the guardian of a treasure or a maiden. The giant red dragon of the Apocalypse (Rev. 12) gave rise to the use of the beast as symbolic of Satan in Christian art and literature. In ancient China the dragon was associated with fertility and prosperity. Many of the beliefs connected with the dragon are echoed in snake worship . (This info was taken directly from This seems to be a decent online encyclopedia for general reference. Check it out!
  Club coming soon!
I must make something perfectly clear. I am not against any religion, be it Christianity or Satanism. Every person has the right to choose their own path. I have choosen several! You may be someone who just wants to be "in the know" and not practice at all. That's fine. You may be the person invoking something new everyday. Cool! But, whatever your reason for being here, I'm glad to have you. The club will share points of view and other information. So, put your thinking caps on! Also, if there are different issues you would like me to address, email them to me, and they will be posted as the club progresses.

Here are a few websites that may be helpful along your journey. Blessed be!

For Those Who Love Dragons--Must See!

Find out about Stonehenge's past, present, and future!
Stonehenge is Britain's greatest prehistoric monument and a World Heritage Site. Built in three phases between 3050 BC and 1600 BC, it stands at the centre of a ceremonial landscape containing 450 scheduled ancient monuments of national importance.

Like Stonehenge? Check this site out!

Move over Tinkerbell!
Faeries are all around us, but you have to know how to communicate with them! Read the info at and try it. See if you can find some! Remember, some things take practice and belief, be patient. Email me with any experiences you have due to this exercise.

waterspout used in medieval Europe to draw rainwater from church and cathedral roofs. Gargoyles were fashioned imaginatively in the form of human grotesques, beasts, and demonic spirits. This form of sculpture reached its peak in the Gothic period and declined with the introduction of lead drainpipes in the 16th cent. This is all I found on gargoyles, thus far. This info is not exceptable to me, but I placed it here until I get the good stuff to you!