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How to Make a Christian Mad--with knowledge!
I was raised Baptist. But, I got older, learned more and began to think for myself. I have two sayings that makes Christians angry. "If I'm going to hell, I'll see you there." and "I would rather burn in hell for MY beliefs, than to burn in hell for YOURS! There are way too many contradictions in the Bible. Cut and paste this link. Find out about them! Check it out for yourself! http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/contradictions.html

  Fascinated with Egypt? Take a Look! This site is deep! Someone in high magick would really appreciate it! They talk about levitation, vision, second site, Djinni in the Bottle, etc.
Cut and paste this link: http://www.pyramidtexts.com/

This is Anubis!
  Shopping for Egyptian jewelry? http://theegyptianpalace.com/ is a site that can help you purchase eyptian jewelry. "The Egyptian Palace guarantees to offer the best quality custom-crafted merchandise and highest level of customer satisfaction that you deserve. Every effort is made to ensure your complete satisfaction." If you like good quality jewelry, check them out. Tell them you saw their name on my site!

Ankh! The Egyptian cross of life!
  Myth of Osiris, Isis, and Horus! Osiris, believed to be an ancient ruler of Egypt, was murdered by his jealous brother, Set, who hacked his body into fourteen pieces and threw them into the Nile. Isis, the sister-wife of Osiris, searched until she found all the pieces except his phallus, which had been eaten by a fish, and bound them together. Afterward she turned herself into a sparrow hawk and used her wings to fan the breath back into his body. Osiris, too, took the form of a bird long enough to impregnate her before returning to the Underworld, where he ruled as the Lord of Eternity. Horus, the falcon-headed son of this union, ultimately avenged his father’s death and succeeded him as king.
So it was that the god Osiris held out the promise of rebirth and eternal life, his death symbolized by the annual drought and his resurrection by the flooding and rebirth of grain that followed, while Isis became both a healing deity and the mistress of magic. Horus became the link between the living and the dead, with every pharaoh who followed him believed to be his representative on earth—half mortal and half god.

This was taken from http://www.ihorus.com/. The author of this site is Carol Thurston. It is very informative and accurate and has quite abit to offer on Acient Egypt. Visit her site, tell her you saw it on Shadows Lair, and please bookmark her website as well as mine.

Eye of Horus!