Shadow's Lair
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Welcome To Shadow's Lair!
My name is Shadow. I have been involved with the occult for over 15 years. I am a High Priestess. I am multi-skilled in the arts. I have experience with Tarot, Runes, Ouija boards, spells, bindings, spiritual cleansings, love rituals, and much more. I use whatever means necessary to get the desired result--Santeria, Voodoo, Black Magick, White Magick, Meditations, Tarot Rituals, Necronomicon, Satanism, Goetia, Invocations, Evocations, Summonings, Ouija boards, candles, herbs, oils, dolls, and especially High Magick! Nothing surprises me, nothing shocks me!
May Be Of Interest-cut and paste into browser!

These are just a few sites to get you started. Check out the favorite links page!
Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes...
I know who I am! I am claiming what is mine! It is time for the witches and warlocks to rise up and be counted and verbally rebel against the wrong doings of our people. We are not freaks of nature with green faces, warts, etc. We are real people--beautiful people! We lead very productive lives. We are in every form of business from entreprenuer to blue collar to government! This is our time! Welcome to the New Age!

Hey now!
Alright ladies and gentlemen! I see that you have been visiting my sight. But where are all of the comments, favorite spells, and suggestions? I know you have creative opinions! So, come on and share!
Tell me if you have found any good links, better ones that I have listed, or if you liked or didn't like something. I value your opinions and would like your insite!
Also, please take the poll. I want to know who is visiting my site so that their interests may be represented. If I have all kitchen witches, then it would make no sense for me to discuss High Magick issues! So, the more information that I have, the better I can serve you!

My Workings!
I have just relocated to Nevada. Due to privacy issues, I stopped my workings for a short time. I am once again offering my full services! I have the time and space to work rituals in private. I firmly believe that if you are going to do something, do it right! I do charge fees. I literally have 1000's of clients from all over the world and work on a first come, first serve basis. So, if you want to play games and do not NEED help, don't waste my time or your money! I work closely with other spiritualists around the world--this includes psychics as well as people in the church. If I cannot take your case or truly feel that I cannot assist you, I will be glad to refer you to someone who can. Here is a list of the services I will be providing.

Tarot (by mail)
Rituals-done for you
Rituals-done by you (I send you everything!)
Spiritual Assistance

Also, I believe in your privacy! If you opt to have ritual packages sent to you, it won't be stamped "witchcraft" all over the box! No one needs to know anything YOU don't tell them. All consultations are private.

My Personal Warning!
I will not be held responsible for anything that may happen to you and yours by the practice of the craft. Being a witch or warlock is serious! It is nothing to play around with. You CAN cause yourself and loved ones harm by not knowing what you are doing!

Contrary to popular belief, the craft is NOT textbook--it is a way of life! If you just must have a book, I do recommend Ray Buckland's books especially if you are a beginner. I strongly suggest you stay away from High Magick, invocations, evocations, summonings, necromancy, and things of that nature. Stick to the basic candles and incense--if done right, it works just as well. And if you can't follow simple instructions with candles, incense, circles, herbs, etc., you need not bother with the rest. The craft really isn't for you. If a ritual does not feel right, it probably isn't. Don't THINK you know what you are doing...KNOW it!

Disclaimer: Our services are provided to those who are 18+ years old OR with parental consent if younger. My coven and I are not responsible for the outcome when using magick. This site and services rendered are for entertainment purposes only. 15547